
Eddie & Merrie Cardin

Apostolic Elders

We came to the Lord in 1973, were baptized together, and have served and loved Jesus for 51 years. We were married in 1970 and have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren. Eddie represents Jesus in the business world and has owned two businesses. He leads with a pastoral heart. Merrie began leading ministry in 1980, entered vocational ministry in 1995, and was commissioned/sent as an apostle in 2007. Our full desire is to see Jesus represented with authenticity and pure love. Following we introduce Apostle Merrie Cardin. Merrie led us as senior leader for almost 15 years. Last year we saw it was time to advance her to full-time apostolic ministry.

Jerry & Glory Streit


We are long-time Christians and have served in churches and
Christian ministries for many years. We have a son and a daughter
and seven grandchildren. The year 2024 will mark our 50th
anniversary. Glory is an accomplished musician and her heart leads

to intercession and worship. Jerry is a retired research scientist and
he wants people to “…know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free.” Our desire is to live out and encourage others to live out the
greatest commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your

Sally & Bob Walker


Our relationship began in 1974 while still in high school. Four years later
we were married, and a life of shared adventures began—most impactful,
meeting Holy Spirit in the early 80’s. Our three children have blessed us
thus far, with four amazing grandkids, who have reminded us that Kingdom has a generational component. Whether in raising our family, or serving kids in the public education arena, or sharing life in a local body, God has always saw fit to position us together, patiently imparting what we need.
We retired in 2016, moving to Texas to chase grandkids, and as it turned out, to pursue the Lord with a new church family at BCM. We are thankful for Jesus’ gifts and are humbled to help equip others, as we press in toward the fullness of Christ.

Kathy & Steve Hooper


We met the Lord during our childhoods. As adults, we were drawn together in a church in Fort Worth and were married in 1983. In 1986, we moved to Granbury and joined a mission church in its infancy. We have stayed with the church as it changed and grew in the Spirit of God to become Brazos Covenant Ministries. Steve ministers by bringing connection between the men and teaching the Bible. Kathy partners in serving in inner healing and deliverance ministries. Also, Kathy assists with church logistics such as directing the sound system at this time. We look to the Lord who is our hope, strength and joy.

About Apostle Merrie Cardin

Rev. Merrie Cardin
Merrie is a licensed ordained minister of the gospel and the founder and leader
of the Brazos Strategic Network. She served as senior leader of Brazos Covenant
Ministries until recently when she was sent out into apostolic function. Her
home connection is with BCM and she now serves with a function of apostolic
wisdom and advice in that house.
In 2007 she was apostolically commissioned by International Breakthrough
Ministries, Apostle Barbara Wentroble and Apostle Jim Hodges, leader of FMCI.

In 2014 Glory of Zion commissioned Merrie an apostle to the nation. Merrie
ministers with an apostolic authority as well as prophetic message and ministry.
She has a heart burning for awakening, revival and to make disciples that stand
in the fire and triumph. She goes to the U.S. and the nations with a message
and impartation of the Spirit of Elijah. She has a call to speak into and function
in the government mountain as well as the ecclesia. . For that purpose she
travels to plant prayer ministries in local churches of all denominations and goes
back to strengthen them periodically. With a passion to see the church in every
denomination experience the joy and power of the Father’s voice she teaches
schools of prophetic ministry and disciples people called to this ministry in many
ways. When asked what sustains her heart Merrie answers, “I have seen a
move of God on our nation that will not allow me to be passive. I must go to
this nation and to His church and call our people to a brokenness, a trust and a
humility that allows us to be entrusted with and full of Father’s heart until we
are running across this nation with His Spirit.”
She serves on several ministry boards and the executive council of Texas
Apostolic Prayer Network.
She and Eddie Cardin have been married for 53 years and have two girls and six
grandchildren. Eddie is a marketplace leader and elder. It is their joy to serve
the Lord and honor one another.

Join us this Sunday

at 10:30am

1950 Acton Highway

Mailing: PO BOX 7150

Grandbury, TX 76049


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    Sunday 10:30